
Note to Bush

Dear Mr. President: I use this salutation simply out of respect to the office, so, as you are having this read to you, please wipe that perpetually stupid grin off of your face and try to pay attention. As you bumbled through your privileged life, how on Earth were you…

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Things have been spinning around inside my head all week, (well, actually since I was old enough to know I had a head), what with the financial meltdown and all.  I’ve become a minute-by-minute news junky since the campaign kicked into full gear and to have all of that confusing…

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Bail Out!!!

It’s no coincidence that the term ‘bail out’ describes the act of jumping from an airplane and plummeting to Earth while praying that a flimsy floatation device will deploy, returning you safely to solid ground.  We should all be sickened by the irresponsible behavior resulting from unbridled greed for riches…

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Follow Me!

How was your week?  My insurance policy was saved by B of A, my stock portfolio was devoid of WaMu, my mortgage payments are fixed and affordable, I grow most of my own produce in the basement hydroponically, (with solar powered grow lights), and I have my own natural gas…

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Trickle This!

I needed to take a break from raging against the utter nonsense of the Republican Presidential campaign, so thank God the economy is collapsing around me…I have some thoughts about that.  Although this too, in my most humble opinion, is a mostly Republican fiasco, they could not have brought the…

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The Elephants in the Room

I promised myself that I would remain focused and optimistic, at least for the next 51 days, but holy crap, Batman!  I’ve actually had conversations with people who think that Sarah Palin is, if not the actual second coming, at least as good as it’s going to get; people whose…

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The Only Thing to Fear…

Ok, so I helped boost the TV ratings for the GOP convention. Very simply, I was hopefully curious.  Whatever my core beliefs, I was guardedly open to there being something of substance to take away from all the hoopla.  Sadly, it was not the case.  It was like watching Karl…

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Blow Job

Way to go Hilary!  You finally got even with Bill, although your blow job was even more public than his.  But, does it really count, since you gave it to yourself?  Hopefully it’s out of your system and you can now go about convincing your whiny supporters who seem to…

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War Ends! Troops Coming Home!

I mean, how ‘bout those American beach volleyballers? I guess this is somewhat of an extension of last week’s rant.  After hearing the announcement that Condie has brokered an agreement with the Iraqis to bring the troops home by 2011, I have a few questions.  Does this mean that we’ll…

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Russians Occupy Atlanta?

Misinformation has been a staple of public manipulation since…well, since the invention of information.  If you make something up, no matter how preposterous, it can often become as powerful as the truth.  Tabloid “news” has taken this to the extreme with alien encounters, three headed monkeys and salacious tales of…

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