Although the warmongering response to what may be the first political use of the term, Domino Effect, was a knee-jerk reaction by unimaginative schoolyard bullies, the real concern, that some dastardly player was/is plotting the systematic toppling of democracy, was/is not some paranoid nightmare. However, the tiles that are already,…
Did you see it? Were you glued to the screen? Did any of the truthiness move anyone’s needle in any measurable way? I think the making-an-irrefutable-case train has sailed. I’m no conspiracy theorist but, can anyone with a functioning mechanism for reason doubt that Donald Trump is a decades-in-the-making Russian…
As an experiment, since I have no allusions that anyone’s really listening anyway, I hiked into the forest on my own and shouted this week’s blog. It sounded like this: —-
YES! That should be the answer to any asshole, trembling in fear, that the backlash to another massacre of innocent children means that those of us, (the majority of us), who give a rat’s ass, want to take away your guns. Fuckin-A we do!
…we could harness some of what we feel for those we love the most, to share with everyone else.
I solve World most days in three moves, occasionally four, I have had multiple 100+ consecutive days of solving the NYT Crossword and, my newest daily distraction, Word Play, tags me “genius” every morning before I jump in the shower. I guess I’m being shamelessly boastful about my puzzle-solving prowess,…
I neither write nor read tweets. I understand both the value of disseminating information and the very natural inclination of people needing/wanting to be heard. Yet, in a world where an increasingly unsubstantiated reference resource, Wikipedia, has become the font of all information, the open spigot of Twitter blather scares…
I spent some wasted time this week, thinking I had a need to know the tipping point, when bullshit reportage became so prevalent in the mix of what had been mostly substantiated information, that much of the public decided not to care about its veracity. The waste being, that it…
Paul Tonko, United States House of Representatives 2369 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Kirsten Gillibrand, United States Senate 478 Russell, Washington, DC 20510 Charles Schumer, United States Senate 322 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear sirs and madam: I am a one-month-shy-of-seventy-six, third generation American citizen. In my lifetime,…