
Enough Already!

I know it’s not just me, (I keep saying that, so, maybe it is and I’m just trying to convince myself that it isn’t), but this Primary crap has to stop…NOW!  Time and money, needed to defeat the evil maniac in November, is being wasted…and to what end…to nominate unelectable…

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C’mon, Trumpettes! Now?

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…I was basking in the unusual spate of positive reaction to last week’s blog, still buoyed by three days, immersed in natural wonder, ogling a majestic, neighborhood bald eagle, calmed by the soothing lapping of Chateaugay Lake, communing with four world-class communers, technology lite and purposefully keeping the madness at…

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3rd Sunday in June


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In June of 2005, after a very public trial, The People v. Michael Jackson, a jury acquitted the pop star of the charge of molesting a 13-year-old boy.  I knew Michael Jackson.  I worked with him on multiple occasions from the late ‘70s into the ‘90s.  He was an odd,…

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We like being scared.  I’m sure there’s a detailed psychological explanation for that particular phenomenon, but it’s a thing, right?  Peek-a-booing infants, eliciting gales of giggly startled delight by making our siblings and childhood friends jump out of their skins, subjecting ourselves to houses of horror, death-drop-three-loop-double-corkscrew thrill rides and…

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It is no surprise that Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump are BFFs.  Trump has spent his life gaming NY real estate and business law to create a highly visible, bullshit brand that unapologetically, (literally), abused, cheated and lied to advance his personal, slimy agenda.  Giuliani is a grandstanding lawyer/politician who…

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I can’t believe that I chose not to rant about this week’s shitstorm of Presidential inanity…maybe just a quick recap: Macron visited the White House with public displays of creepy affection only to be followed by his address to Congress where he pointed out, in no uncertain terms, how Trump…

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Free Cohen

I don’t know about you, but, growing up in the Midwest, I can vividly recall the anticipation and the counting of days between each April 1 and the next…Free Cone Day at the Dairy Queen.  Ben & Jerry have changed the day to the 2ndTuesday of April, but, if the…

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When Paul Abbott created the successful BBC version, which later became John Wells’ even more successful Showtime series, Shameless was intended to caricature the lives of a family, so removed from the morals, etiquette, dress-code and all other forms of acceptable social behavior, that we would giggle in holier-than-thou horror…

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