
Who Cares?

Insurers certainly don’t; politicians, with few exceptions, too preoccupied with reelection; hospitals and doctors, (although many nurses get a pass), rarely; the court, Supreme or otherwise, despite their insignificant and bumbling decisions of the past week…no!; the church…holy shit, no!  Of course, I mean caring about important stuff like the…

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Wasting Time

I hate wasting time and yet, like most of you, I imagine, I often feel like I’m wasting lots of it.  However, the consequences of my wasteful actions, (except maybe with regard to that butterfly-wing-flap philosophy), cause no economic meltdown, no genocide, no environmental disaster and seldom, if ever, result…

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Words have become so politicized that the yin or the yang of ‘conservative’ versus ‘liberal’ belies their roots.  2012 conservatives are certainly not advocating the conservation of much of anything:  a strong-voiced middle class…hardly; the constitutional mandate of equality…pshaw; educational excellence…duh; trees, water, clean air…fuckin’ Sierra Club!  They constantly invoke…

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pow·er  (pour) n. 1. The ability or capacity to perform or act effectively. 2. A specific capacity, faculty, or aptitude. Often used in the plural: her powers of concentration. 3. Strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted; might. See Synonyms at strength. 4. The ability or official capacity to…

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Too Big to…

I vividly remember the first time I stared into a clear, night sky, somewhere far from city lights, and came face to face with my philosophically minute meaninglessness.  My three or four or five-year-old self drank in my insignificance with growing terror until a shooting star or a mooing cow…

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53 Reasons

As I promised last week… 1. He was a bully in prep school, (I’m in Detroit, and I can see his prep school from here), and he’s been a bully in business. 2. He calls himself Mitt. 3. He has no moral center and has no true position on any issue.  No…that’s not…

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At 14, even though I wasn’t much of a car kid, I remember watching Tod and Buz, (really, one ‘d’, one ‘z’), motor down Route 66 in their vintage, (I guess it wasn’t so vintage then), Vette, living a carefree life of hedonistic adventure and thinking…that’s definitely something I want…

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If a Blog Appears in a Forest…

…and there’s nobody there to read it… There’s a lot of really smart, insightful stuff written every day by scholars, scholarly journalists, far-thinking bloggers and, often, the most common among us.  Too much of this potentially life-changing wisdom falls silently in metaphorically unpeopled forests or is called into question by…

In: Blog


There once was a man from Nantucket Who got his head caught in a bucket When the townsfolk said “Hey… “Mitt, lead us, we pray!” He’d say, “This way…I mean that way..awwww shucks!”

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Take a load off, Anny…

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