

If we were playing the “Where Were You” game, I would tell you about how T-L and I were enjoying the glorious morning and each other, (you may have to check with her to see if the second part was really mutual), in the privileged security of a friend’s home…

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The Future of America

I got nothin’.

In: Blog

Thar She Blows!

I was getting ready to batten down my hatches when it suddenly occurred to me that I had no hatches and I’m really not sure what battening is anyway. Then, I thought, I should be taking Wolf Blitzer’s advice, (the generally agreed upon course of defensive action), and start “hunkering…

In: Blog

My Fellow Americans

I come before you today as a candidate for absolutely nothing, but with much to say about practically everything. I have been energized by listening to and watching the growing gaggle of the politically hopeful with their diverse opinions based on questionable truths and even more questionable grammar. Since no…

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What I Meant to Say

For those of you who are not disciples of Tom Friedman, (and at the accepted risk of being sued by the NY Times for the reprint), I offer his fantasy press release from an August 10, 2011 OpEd. Washington (AP) — It was a news conference the likes of which…

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Oh no! Not the AAA rating! What if we need a new refrigerator or one of those never-stops-sucking vacuums? Oh yeah, I forgot, we can always print some cash….never mind. In the midst of all of the chaos and market tumbling, I do have a million-dollar idea. I just need…

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Once Upon a Time…

…in the mystical land of DC, a mischievous fairy cast a spell on everyone in suits, eliminating their ability to reason. The suits, (as you might expect), went about crafting unreasonable ideas for no apparent reason. There followed great debates and objections were shouted, although the reasons given lacked any…

In: Blog

One Man’s Ceiling…

I have been yinning away for two weeks, sucking up as much life assuring energy as I possibly can from my family in LA while the rest of the world has been yanging on debt ceilings, deficits, heat domes, Winehouse and the dangers of camping in Norway…yinning is better.

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Everything’s not about the shut down of the 405, just mostly everything. The jury’s still out as to whether it will result in a giant ‘butterfly effect’, with the displacement of all of those drivers ultimately effecting the mating dance of the three-toed Malaysian scum lizard whose fewer offspring will…

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Blue In the Face

I think this expression came from an observation of a prattling speaker whose lengthy discourse did not include inhaling, thus promoting a bluish, oxygen-deprived visage or…it was a commentary on sad clown makeup. I have found myself in both categories of late, speaking out from my cyclothymic perspective about the…

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