It usually takes me a week or two after my year-end poem before every thought in my head isn’t automatically rearranged into a couplet of some sort. I will attempt to write this without a single apparent rhyme. Turning the page on a new year has historically been cause for…
First off, kudos to W., who must be truly alcohol-free. The unedited footage of the shoe-throwing news conference, (no one will ever remember any topic other than that), showed remarkable, extreme sobriety in reflex, even though the goofy grin implied some semblance of misunderestimating the situation. In my pursuit of…
Meta, the pesky Greek catch-all prefix which has so confusingly implanted itself into contemporary-speak and texting, defined as“after”, or “beyond”, or “adjacent”, often connoting additional, though unrelated, information…enough already! How about if flowery language and the overused metaphor get restricted to fiction or commentary, (aka criticism), and are tagged verboten in normal conversation or communicative journalism? The…
A constant stream of news flashes on TV and the internet, (at least those that don’t concern OJ or any bailout related topics), report disheartening tallies of the numbers of layoffs by companies from AT&T to Walmart and the total collapse of countless others. Apparently recession means that people suddenly…
In Saratoga Springs, Santa arrived two weekends ago to the accompaniment of the Ballston Spa Community Band. Christmas lights and decorations have been popping up around town for at least that long and, of course, Thanksgiving has made it all official, (not unlike magical Memorial Day giving me permission to…
Is it just me, or do the players in the global game of FIX THE ECONOMY seem confused by whether they are playingMonopoly©, Risk© or Yahtzi, and, crucial to any of us observing over nachos in the ‘Board Game Sports Bar’, don’t they seem to be making up the rules as they go along? I…
I’m from Detroit. You can see Canada from there. I don’t claim any proximal insight into an impending Canadian invasion, (sorry, Sarah), nor does the happenstance of my place of birth give me any more legitimate credibility for commenting on the state of the automotive industry than say, the CEO’s…
It was just before 11pm est, November 4, 2008. Wolf Blitzer declared, for the two thousand-eight hundred-sixty-third time, that I was watching, “the best political team on television”, than tiptoed around the holograms popping up all over the studio before going off script just long enough to announce that CNN…
With about 70 hours before the polls close, (sorry, Hawaii, I’m assuming your electoral votes will either be gravy or sadly too few to stem an upset), and the POWER of the Presidency is effectively transferred, I’ve been reflecting on the enormity of such a thing, its history and its significance to…
Dear America, I received a reply to my last entry from a dear friend who suggested, (actually got right up in my face), that my overzealous opinions are exclusionary of and often demeaning to truly good people with contrary beliefs. I can only plead, ‘Guilty as Charged’ and offer the…