The Olympics are under way in Beijing, (in case you’ve had your ipod turned up too loud and your eyes closed), and China, with the help of Coca Cola and NBC, has two weeks to show how cool and friendly and ready they are to supply the insatiable needs of…
I’ve been wondering why the national mindset, or at least that part of it conditioned to stir people to action, hasn’t reached the same revolutionary tipping point of the 60’s. Being oppressed, misled or taken advantage of by one’s government has historically, after an appropriate period of whining and procrastination,…
Congress has just sent the “Housing Bailout Bill” off for Bush’s assured signature. This surreal moment, where such legislation has been categorically opposed on every Republican front, (present and future-ly hoped for), and will now be the foundation for the campaign, is over-shadowing the bigger issue of culpability. The concept…
I’m completely against the “war” in Iraq. At this juncture of the presidential campaign, my number one reason for being committed to Barak Obama is his stand on that matter in contrast to John McCain’s. I believe McCain’s to be detrimental to the best interests of the USA and more…
OK, senators…go home! Stop passing legislation of any kind! You’re all a bunch of morons! You’ve acquiesced to the even bigger moron and given away our freedom to the illegible stroke of his pen, (I’m believing he signs with an X until there’s corroborated evidence to the contrary). Are you…
232 years ago, the adventurous journey that is the United States of America began with a Declaration of what seemed like the best principles of other nations with well-established governments and varying tumultuous histories. I believe that those men who drafted the language in that Declaration and subsequently our Constitution…
One of the symptoms of my bi-polar condition is a sometimes over-exaggerated view of right and wrong. I consider myself to be a responsible and analytical guy, and although my assessment of a situation is generally swift in coming, its seldom unsubstantiated and most often correct. Certainly from where I…
I think today is a really big deal for Druids. I don’t know any overtly practicing Druids and if there have been any sacrifices, human or otherwise, in my neighborhood, they were stealthily performed. Yesterday was the longest day, though in actuality it was only a minute or so longer…
I think about my father quite a lot. He was kind, smart and never lost his enthusiasm for seeking new challenges and ideas. He taught me to question everything, himself included, and myself in particular. He was a traditionalist, but a humanitarian first and foremost. Our family was fundamentally Jewish,…
Today is my father’s 91st birthday. He, sadly, is no longer around to celebrate with ice cream and cake, (he loved his sweets), but many of the following thoughts can be attributed to his genetic imprint, so… HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POP! I don’t know how it got to be called a…