Just to make sure that it’s perfectly clear to all of the bible-thumping, right-to-life-lobbying, holier-than-thou religionists who believe that the United States of America and all of the people in it must subscribe to their specific catechism or burn in hell: please note the symbolic separation between the two nouns…
The engaging and highly entertaining backward glimpse at the chain-smoking, hard-drinking, chauvinistic ad men, (and women), of the ‘60s may seem nostalgic and quaint, but, in fact, it portrays the tip of a nation-sinking iceberg as seen in our rearview mirror. Advertising, and television advertising in particular, which began in…
Took a road trip to Woodstock yesterday to see my good friend Jimmy Vivino lead a stage full of brilliant musicians, (including Garth Hudson and Levon Helm), through four hours of soul enriching music at the Midnight Ramble…life’s good. Fuck South Carolina!
Not unlike the prostitute’s lament in the 1930‘s Cole Porter standard from the poorly received, The New Yorkers, our politics, ergo our government, ergo our mindset has become a blatant lap dance for cash: to get candidates noticed and elected; to insure candidates’ votes on legislation; to influence constituents with factually-challenged…
I checked…really…and absolutely nothing worth talking about happened this week.
I guess I didn’t always abhor the ‘holiday season’. I certainly remember being swept up in the merriment, (I was a featured performer in the Noble Elementary School Christmas Pageants of 1953, ’54 and ’55 after all), I relished the extended school vacation, and I had relatively normal expectations for…
There will probably be no ticker-tape, (do they still have ticker-tape?), parades or jubilant celebrations in town squares, or bombastic orations on victory or the necessity of might. Yet, the tragic loss of life and the trauma of injury, both physical and mental must not be minimized and the bravery…
I believe that we’re at least one extra terrestrial intervention away from having any chance at substantially reversing the tide of our humanly absurd behavior, and I also and wholeheartedly believe that politics of any ilk is not the answer to any question, but Newt…really? Newt, whose bullying tactics are…
To: Santa Claus North Pole Dear Santa, If you’re really there, and if this minimally-addressed letter actually finds its way to you, and if you even take the time to read it, (in lieu of delegating the task to some grumpy elf), and if I haven’t mistaken your purview…
Like many of you, I’m well into my third day of reheated servings of the traditionally yummy remains of Thursday’s gorge-fest. I’m also a week into a relatively non-stop hug-a-round with my two favorite little people and their mom. And…the weather today was pushing 80 requiring no defrosting or shoveling…